Why you should enroll each year
Life happens. That’s why it’s important to know what coverage you need and enroll in benefits every year during the open enrollment period. Protect yourself and your family and get the confidence to take steps in moving your life forward – safely and on good financial footing.
Enrolling in benefits with TBX allows you to compare coverage and make sure you’re enrolled in what best fits your needs. You can also take a look at the year ahead and assess any significant changes that may be occurring in your life like marriage, having a baby, purchasing a home, or upcoming medical bills. This can help you decide what medical plan best fits your needs. Skipping enrollment means you miss out on other things, too. New products and services your employer may be offering can add real value to your life, but many employees don’t realize these are options when they don’t enroll. Finally, you could be potentially missing out on guarantee issue depending on your employer’s enrollment rules and the products they offer. Guarantee issue is a situation where a policy is offered to any eligible applicant without regard to health status and is generally offered only as a first-time enrollee or at open enrollment. Every policy and every carrier has different rules and requirements – don’t miss out on coverage you deserve!