
Enrolling in employee benefits is tough. The whole process can be super confusing, and it’s likely that your past experience has left you with more questions than you started with. Good news – TBX is making it easier than ever to get the coverage you actually need. Confusing nonsense not included.

Our easy to use online enrollment system is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so you can enroll when and where you want from virtually any device. The system also provides custom videos to help you understand all of your plan options and how they work. If you need help deciding which plan is best for you and your family, our state-of-the-art decision support tool, Benefits Genius, is there to help. The Benefits Genius asks you to rate your health on a scale we outline in detail and based on the answers, offers individualized guidance in selecting benefit plans that might be the best fit for you. We want to make sure your benefits are working for you and your family!